(ISC)² Chapter members consist of two types of individuals:
Those who hold an (ISC)² credential – an official member of (ISC)² [refer to as “(ISC)²
credentialed chapter member”]
Those who DO NOT hold an (ISC)² credential – not a member of (ISC)² [refer to as
“uncredentialed chapter member”]
NOTE: Not all chapter members are members of (ISC)². To be a member of (ISC)², the individual must hold an (ISC)² credential.
Only (ISC)² credentialed chapter members may hold required officer positions of President, Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Chair. Uncredentialed chapter members may hold elected chair/director positions after the chapter has been established.
(ISC)² Chapters may recruit members only from within their designated geographical boundaries; however, Chapters may accept membership from individuals outside this area.
(ISC)² Chapters may decide whether or not to invite uncredentialed members to join.
(ISC)² credentialed members and uncredentialed professionals may join more than one (ISC)² Chapter.
Members from other security chapter organizations may/may not do the following:
An (ISC)² credentialed member belonging to another security chapter organization is allowed to join an (ISC)² Chapter.
An (ISC)² credentialed chapter member belonging to another security chapter organizations is allowed to serve as an officer of an (ISC)² Chapter, as long as they are not currently serving as an officer within the other chapter.
An (ISC)² credentialed member who is a current officer of another security chapter organization shall not serve as an officer in an (ISC)² Chapter.
An uncredentialled professional from another security chapter organization may join an (ISC)² Chapter after the chapter has received its charter.
An (ISC)² credentialed member or another security professional who is employed by entities with a conflict, offer a service, or are commercially motivated to promote alternative certifications/training may become a member of a chapter; but cannot serve as a chapter officer.
Chapter dues are at the discretion of the chapter. No dues are to be paid to (ISC)².
All chapter members are required to abide by the following rules and requirements:
All (ISC)² Chapter members are required to abide by the (ISC)² Code of Ethics.
The chapter is open to anyone except those who have been convicted of criminal activity or conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty or good morals in the past four years. Individuals who have been convicted of any crime of violence, fraud, embezzlement, murder, rape or any form of computer crime are ineligible.
Chapter members should refrain from promoting or advancing commercial and/or political agendas, including the promotion of any outside organization, to the chapter membership. Only organizations sponsoring chapter events and activities may be promoted during the sponsored event/activity and subject to guidelines as set by the chapter.
(ISC)² Chapter members cannot use the chapter as a platform to promote their services/training.
All information systems security professionals who are certified by (ISC)² recognize that such certification is a privilege that must be both earned and maintained. In support of this principle, all (ISC)² members are required to commit to fully support this Code of Ethics (the “Code”). (ISC)² members who intentionally or knowingly violate any provision of the Code will be subject to action by a peer review panel, which may result in the revocation of certification. (ISC)² members are obligated to follow the ethics complaint procedure upon observing any action by an (ISC)² member that breach the Code.
Failure to do so may be considered a breach of the Code pursuant to Canon IV. There are only four mandatory canons in the Code. By necessity, such high-level guidance is not intended to be a substitute for the ethical judgment of the professional.
Code of Ethics Preamble
The safety and welfare of society and the common good, duty to our principals, and to each other,
requires that we adhere, and be seen to adhere, to the highest ethical standards of behavior.
Therefore, strict adherence to this Code is a condition of certification.
Code of Ethics Canons
Protect society, the common good, necessary public trust and confidence, and the
Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally.
Provide diligent and competent service to principals.
Advance and protect the profession.
(ISC)² Code Of Ethics